deus ex machina

Monday, October 15, 2007

bookstore tourist

o to be a little nook bookstore.
what solid solitude.

Monday, July 02, 2007

hate smashes FNNDP

Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg Algonquin First Nations near the town of Maniwaki, Quebec
be strong in times of stinging words, dear seven upon seven. draw strength through the passage of bitter poisons and revive the memories of our lost earth.
walk forward beautiful thought and let not our feet get all tangled up in terrifying hate.
walk without rhythm...


Thursday, October 19, 2006


despite the apparent lewdness of this article, i simply wanted to showcase a gorgeous website for the Museum of Sex, NYC. the link takes you to an ongoing project of theirs, recorded sexual experiences and confessions from various american cities. hours of disreputable fun.
i chose the title as a cojoined term (sex + art exhibition), however, after some quick research, i've discovered that sexhibition is a hentai manga, which i've used as the image for this, as well as an adult movie series with the name sexhibition, and they're already up to the number 9. they are going to milk that cow dry.

Friday, October 13, 2006


fear the sixth day, fear the thirteenth cojoined with the sixth day. i pass through the historically acursed day, seeking omens and keeping my distance from any and all damiens, not a single conclusive incident of bad luck. no terrible visitation of ill-fortune. though this morning was the first day this season to reach the freezing point (see buffulo's premature precipitation), nothing else of consequence occurred today. as i ponder upon this commonly held superstition, i cannot recall any occurence of great calamity on the date of friday the thirteenth. not to say that i have not had my share of bad luck. i've once stubbed my right pinky toe, broken a couple dishes (accidental and not in anger), and shit my pants on the same day. don't ask. but these things do not happen to me on this day of bad luck. perhaps not so with you.
if i were in that movie, i would be crazy ralph, you know, "doomed, you're all doomed" guy. who would you be? until next april, i wish you all the best. and perhaps if we survive the next 38 black fridays, we can all look up to the heavens and enjoy a spectacular friday the thirteenth. good night and good luck.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

consumptive disorder

like slow growing bacterium dividing and consuming itself, the corporate reflection of ourselves gives birth and devours itself endlessly.
as google sets its conglomerate teeth into youtube, another aspect of our social environment withers and our message of medium, loses a few words, shrinks, retracts and is no more. and we become less for it.

aside from the concerns of the twin giant of advertising/marketing, what becomes available is another database of consumption. another data goldmine of social interactivity, network and habits, compiled, catalogued and vulnerable to future's plundering. and mark my words, every database will be plundered. simply a matter of time.

our development as a consumer society has touched every aspect of modern life, right down to our identities. too often people mistake products as a lifestyle or philosophy. i would even venture to suggest that some corporations benifet from this confusion and may even actively encourage it.

it is already well documented that google keeps records of searches tied to individual IP addresses, and as it expands (and contracts) so too will its records of human activity. lacking a morally objective founding directives, as with a centre of study, all this information will inevitably be put to subjective use, whether the intention be good, bad or indifferent. the things we buy, read, and watch, will be shaped by the way we engage with what is made available to us. formulating our identity, cultural interations, human relationships and encroaching further into the private domain of our lives.

by trying to give people what they want based solely upon our consumption habits, we become in danger of simply regurgitating into the dinner we are about to consume. diminishing our world into a highly personalized reflection of the same article, picture, and lifestyle. one nation under one available possibility.

there once was a physical illness of Consumption, (now known as tuberculosis). so named for it seemed to consume people inside out with bloody cough, fever, pallor, and long relentless wasting. there now is a social illness of consumption threatening us from within. one can only hope that our prognosis is not terminal. coincedentally, tuberculosis has become drug resistant due to our overconsumption of antibiotics, and is slowly on the rise.

we must combat this disease before it consumes us whole. we must subvert the available, invent the impossible, and protect the present from shriveling up into nothingness.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006


when there is no time to seek out the path of the divine, choose life at it's simplest and hold onto it for a second, breath, then let it go. however, nither is for me for i feel paralyzed by my mundane inactivity. i did not go to work today. my inverted anxiety disability. handicaps and all.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

hiatus amoungus

circular respite and endless renumeration, tumbling over one another like mental siamese twins. cojoined since conception, troublesome formulation placing the crutch firmly into the dark arm socket of consciousness. whittling away time fragments. not doing much except counting the moments as they pass into intangible memory. hello.